The Westside Trail is one component of the overall Atlanta BeltLine project, which will ultimately create 33 miles of multi-use paths around the city. This section will run 1.3 miles in length between Washington Park and the southern terminus of Westside Trail — Segment 3 north of Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway. Construction will start in early 2023 and is expected to take up to 30 months.
When this final section of the Westside Trail is complete, Atlantans will be able to walk, run, or roll 6.5 miles from Pittsburgh Yards, by Murphy Crossing, through the West End and historic southwest Atlanta neighborhoods, to Washington Park and up to Huff Road.
Construction of Westside Trail — Segment 4 includes the design of a 14-foot-wide concrete multi-use path with three-foot soft shoulders on each side, landscaping, fiber duct bank, retaining walls, vertical connections to adjoining streets, stainless steel handrails/guardrails, storm drainage and management (with a focus on green infrastructure), environmental remediation, lighting, and security cameras.